Monday, December 27, 2021

Not Like the Others



This meme is perhaps a tad unfair. Three of these quotes were given during speeches designed to inspire, such as in an inaugural address. And the odd one is given simply in a Christmas greeting to the people, on December 20, 2021. Plus the photo (found here) is less than inspiring. Rather, it is intended to inspire fear.

Viva Frei, observing from Canada, heard of Biden’s statement and thought it must be a parody, so he looked it up, and wasn’t convinced until he found it on the White House’s official site:

This shouldn’t be another dark winter, however. There’s plenty of good news surrounding this virus the president wants us to remain panicked over.

We’ve already gone over some of the data relating to the Omicron variant. As more data comes in daily, here’s what we think we know:

·        It is definitely less severe than Delta and other previous variants. This appears to be true not just for younger people, but for all demographics.

·        It is quickly overtaking Delta and becoming the dominant variant as it spreads around the globe.

·        It doesn’t much care whether a person has been vaccinated or not, although people with a recent third shot (booster) may be better at preventing serious infection.

·        Death is very rare from this variant; it is unclear whether any cases died of this disease or only died with it (meaning they died of some other cause while also testing positive for the infection).

·        A much smaller percentage have an infection that progresses to need hospitalization. Those that do, by some reports, have a similar later progression of the illness as other variants; however, anecdotal evidence shows a much shorter hospitalization stay, down to 2-3 days, rather than weeks.

·        South Africa has already passed through its spike of Omicron cases; new cases are now down. Their spike began around November 23, so it lasted a month. Places experiencing a current spike are likely, then, to be through it by a month from now. (By my reasoning, if you were to get vaccinated now, or get a booster, the Omicron surge will have passed before you get any positive effect.)

·        This illness, while mild, is also very amenable to treatments.

·        Loss of smell and taste is not a common symptom for this variant, which may mean less neurological damage. Also, it seems to affect only the upper respiratory areas, rather than causing COVID-pneumonia as previous variants.

·        In Great Britain, a person with cold symptoms has about a 50% chance of actually having the Omicron variant of COVID-19. While no one recommends risking the illness to get immunity, getting this weaker variant is likely to give immunity.   

One of the good things we’re learning is how to treat. These things probably also work on previous variants as well, but it turns out practically anything kills this virus. Doctors are recommending a sinus wash. You can use a neti pot or a spray bottle. The solution is 2 teaspoons of betadine in 6 ounces of water. As one experienced with a neti pot, I recommend using distilled water; regular filtered water will sting. Even distilled water stings; I use a teaspoon of salt and baking soda in a cup of water to get a saline solution (I buy little packets for the purpose, for convenience, but making your own is fine). Add the betadine to that. Alternatively, you can use hydrogen peroxide (get the kind meant for human use rather than just for stain cleaning). 

A sinus wash and/or a mouthwash can help
kill the virus in the mouth and sinuses.

For your throat, use some of the solution and swish it around and gargle with it. Or use a typical mouthwash. The most data is coming in about Listerine Cool Mint but just about any mouthwash will do. Even a saline mouthwash helps, although not as completely.

So, if you clear out your sinuses and mouth/throat 2-3 times a day, or particularly when you’ve been out among a crowd, you can prevent the replication of any virus particles you may have picked up during the day.

This is long-known information for fighting respiratory infections. There’s just now data showing that, of course, it works for COVID-19 as well, which is a respiratory infection. Dr. Peter McCullough last week referenced nine studies showing these nose and mouth virucidal washes work. This simple thing could either help you avoid the illness altogether or make it much milder than it would have been.

This practice should be on top of taking zinc, Vitamin D 3, and anything else you may need to boost your immune system. And have a plan for early treatment in case you get the illness. With the Omicron variant, unless you’re in a high-risk group (elderly or with multiple co-morbidities), you’re unlikely to need even the typical medical interventions like hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, fluvoxamine, or monoclonal antibodies.

The point here is, you’re in control. You don’t have to live in fear of an illness that is now about as high risk as getting a cold.

If you’ve had COVID-19 before, can you get this new variant? There are mixed messages on this. Dr. McCullough, just before Christmas, still believes there is virtually zero reinfection. He tells this about what the CDC finally admitted:

You know, our CDC was pressured on this by a Freedom of Information Act request that basically said, listen, if someone really can get it twice, show us the case. The CDC must have a case of someone who’s really gotten it twice, and they’ve spread it, and this is all verified with basically confirmatory testing. We’d have to see a patient who’s PCR-positive, who’s sick with COVID-19, has signs and symptoms, chest x-ray, laboratories everything fits COVID-19. And they have a PCR at a low-cycle threshold, and a confirmatory antigen, and confirmatory sequencing. And the same person gets the same serious illness, let’s say six months later. And the CDC doesn’t have a case, thankfully. And they’ve certainly never had a case where someone has gone on to spread it on a second occurrence.

Meanwhile, Dr. Mobeen Syed reports—simply passing along reports he’s reading—that this new variant has a reinfection rate about 5 times that of Delta. Are they screening the way Dr. McCullough says must be done? Doubtful. And the supposed reinfection rate before was very low, about one in a thousand, so five times that would be only five in a thousand. In other words, if you’ve had COVID-19 previously, you don’t need to worry about getting it again even as this mild strain.

And if you’re one of the surging cases getting this Omicron variant—whether you were vaccinated or not—afterward you’ll have lifetime immunity.

This will hold true until the variations are no longer COVID-19, but have varied enough to become an unrecognized new virus.

By the way, there is no mechanism for this Omicron variant to mutate into a more dangerous strain. Dr. Mobeen Syed goes over that discussion here

We are coming out the other side of this pandemic. Give it a month or two.

But the real plague hasn’t been this highly treatable illness; it has been authoritarian control. And there is no guarantee that will let up. Biden’s Christmas warning hints at that.

Here’s an anecdote for the day. This just happened last night. A friend here has relatives elsewhere who go on a bi-annual trip to Hawaii with all the kids and grandkids. They were flying out of Los Angeles and had done all they were required to do—and there were a lot of hoops to jump through. All the adults were vaccinated. In fact, if I understood correctly, all were vaccinated but one seven-year-old boy. Oddly, when they all had their pre-flight PCR tests done, this boy's result didn’t show up with the rest of them. It was obvious he wasn’t sick. It was obvious he’d been tested—because he was with the whole family who was tested. But a glitch in the system prevented his result from showing up. At the airport, they went through all of this, and the officials there thought this shouldn’t be a problem and let them fly to Hawaii. But in Hawaii they were not allowed to leave the airport. None of them. They were not allowed to get the boy an additional test. They were not allowed to do anything but fly back to LA in the middle of the night.

This was a family where they had been perfectly willing to go along with whatever was required of them. Only the grandmother had been skeptical, but even she had been willing to get vaccinated. Now there’s a whole extended family that has been red-pilled. The boy wasn’t sick; he couldn’t spread anything. He had been tested, and results are somewhere, just not where they belong—because of some bureaucrat somewhere making an error, or maybe a machine making the error. That error cost this family thousands of dollars and the loss of a much-anticipated holiday vacation. This is not OK.

Add to that, the family doesn’t like the idea of vaccinating a seven-year-old for an illness that will not harm him, while the vaccine risk is unknown for children. But California is requiring school children to be vaccinated in order to return to school in January. The family had been considering homeschooling for that reason; this experience may settle it. As if there weren’t already hundreds of reasons to homeschool in California to prevent anti-family and anti-American indoctrination there.

The summary today is, a month from now the pandemic may be over. In the meantime, while we may not be able to do much to prevent exposure, we can take actions that may prevent any infection at all, and will at least make serious infection much less likely. That’s great news for us, but it’s bad news for authoritarians. They're likely to double down on the fearmongering. Their plague on us may not let up for some time.

Dr. Alfred Johnson (left) talks with Dr. Peter McCullough
screenshot from here

Some Resources

·       Covid-19 and the Holidays” on Real News Communication Network, Dr. Alfred Johnson interviews Dr. Peter McCullough, December 22, 2021. 

·       Omicron—70 Times More Infectious than Delta and Significantly Less Severe (Study from HKUMed)” Dr. Mobeen Syed, December 16, 2021. 

·       COVID and Vaccine Policy Dangerous” Bret Weinstein talks with Dr Peter McCullough on DarkHorse Podcast Clips, December 18, 2021. 

·       Cancel Culture Tactics Being Used against Unvaccinated (from Livestream #109)” Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying on DarkHorse Podcast Clips, December 26, 2021. 

·       Documentary Maker Reveals His Experience of COVID in Australia” Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying on DarkHorse Podcast Clips, December 27, 2021. 

·       Simultaneous Reinfection and Breakthrough Case Report” Dr. Mobeen Syed, December 20, 2021. 

·       Omicron—Good News Continues (60% Less Risk of Hospitalization by Omicron)” Dr. Mobeen Syed, December 23, 2021. 

·       UK Common Cold Maybe Omicron, South Africa—Peak Is Over” Dr. Mobeen Syed, December 24, 2021. 

·       Omicron, Half of Common Colds” Dr. John Campbell, December 24, 2021. 

·       Mouth Washes that Inactivate Coronaviruses” Dr. Mobeen Syed, October 21, 2020. 

·       Mouth Wash, Colchicine and Vitamin D” Dr. John Campbell, February 2, 2021.

·       STUNNING—No Reinfection in Previously Infected (Harvard Preprint Study)” Dr. Mobeen Syed, November 22, 2021. 

·         Dr. Peter McCullough on NFL Protocols, Pregnancy, Omicron and More” Teryn Gregson talks with Dr. Peter McCullough, December 17, 2021. 

·       (Dec 15, 2021) Omicron—Prof. Dr. Terrence Kommal Shares South Africa Cases and Hospitalizations” Dr. Mobeen Syed talks with Dr. Terrence Kommal, December 15, 2021. 

·       Omicron Spike Protein is Less Efficient—Random COVID Questions with Dr. Been (#162)” Dr. Mobeen Syed, December 17, 2021. 

·       Will Omicron Mutate Back to a More Lethal Variant?” Dr. Mobeen Syed, December 11, 2021.  

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