Saturday, May 4, 2024

We’re Living Under Tyranny. Now What?

I follow Michael Yon on Wednesday he linked to this article—and the associated links, which first brought it to my attention: “DEEP STATE COUP: Intel Agencies Spied On, Withheld Information From President Trump, CIA Official Admits” by Jamie White, for Infowars.

In it there is a link to this James O’Keefe tweet on X, which includes a 27-minute video. This is undercover video of a CIA contractor (he shows his badge, so he’s not just making up a story to impress a girl—although he does seem to be trying to impress the girl; note, there seem to be two time periods or places; in one he wears a button shirt and jacket; in the other he wears a casual zipped jacket). He admits that the CIA, NSA, et al., surveilled Trump—before and during his presidency, which we have known for a while now, but also that they are still spying on him, and his family members and associates. That’s pretty egregious, but not particularly surprising, since we already knew they had done that, and the new regime isn’t likely to be too ethical for such stunts.

Amjad Fseisi, screenshot from OMG Media undercover video

What is new in what the guy, Amjad Fseisi, reveals is that they withheld intelligence from Trump both when he was president-elect and as president. Amjad claims the reason is that they feared Trump would leak the information—to Putin, because of course they knew he was both stupid and a puppet of Putin.

Except, of course, we know he was not in cahoots with Putin, or Russia in general. That was a hoax, the lie for which was bought and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC. And that fact was known (and likely approved of) by Obama, and known by Biden.

Amjad claims this withholding of information from the president was carried out during Trump’s presidency by CIA head Mike Pompeo and former CIA director Gina Haspel.

The CIA could not have been under any illusions that the trumped-up (sorry, accidental pun) charge of Russian collusion was true—because they could see the sources for it. That means that any pretense of withholding the intelligence from the duly elected president was not done to protect the country from a treasonous president; it was done because those attempting to thwart the duly elected president were willing to commit treason to do so.

Let me repeat that: purposely withholding intelligence from the sitting president is treason. It is staging a coup—usurping authority, insurrecting you might say. Yet another example of: If they’re accusing you of it, it’s because they’re doing it.

I’ve heard rumors off and on that Mike Pompeo might be on the Dark Side. (It’s “May the 4th Be with You Day, incidentally, which you’ll know if you’ve scrolled through Facebook today.) I’m disappointed to have corroboration added to that rumor.

I can’t say we know all the facts. This guy, Amjad Fseisi, is either lying about Russian collusion—after the evidence has come out about the whole hoax—or he doesn’t know. If he doesn’t know, is that willful blindness or stupidity? He’s trying to impress a girl. I’m sure he doesn’t want to admit that he, by association, was in on breaking the law by withholding intelligence from the president; he would need to play the hero and say they were protecting the country from this traitor who somehow got elected president, and maybe he hoped the girl didn’t listen to the news and know better.

Amjad Fseisi lets the girl examine his green badge,
screenshot from OMG Media undercover video

Maybe a CIA operative ought not to be giving away secrets—such as his connection to US intelligence, flashing badge to prove it—to a girl he wasn’t married to and had permission to share that information with. I’ve told this story about my dad (a brief paragraph in this post): 

My dad was in the OSS in WWII; he didn’t drink either. And in the testing phase, weeding people out, they had to maintain a character during a cocktail party. He passed the test, because his mind remained clear, and he was able to stay in character. Of those weeded out, it was because the alcohol lowered their inhibitions, and they gave themselves away.

Maybe someone stupid enough to do that after a couple of cocktails is a whole lot more dangerous to US intelligence than any duly elected president.

Except, maybe for the one we have. Although duly elected is probably not a modifier we can use for the current White House resident.

Some years ago I wrote a piece called “You Might Be Living Under Tyranny If…” in two parts: here and here.  This was March 15 and 17 of 2013, just into the second Obama term. There has been a great deal more tyranny happening since then. In fact, by comparison to the current regime, the Obama tyranny seemed almost like the good old days, where we had hope of voting another way and getting out from under the tyranny before it was too late.

The narrative against Trump has been, he’s going to be an authoritarian dictator. So, in their panicked fear (the minions and blind followers), they will do anything—including supporting an authoritarian dictator—to prevent Trump’s authoritarianism from coming to pass.

What are some of the concerns of living under a tyrannical dictator?

·        He might silence free speech.

o   Trump didn’t, but Biden regime does.

·        He might target his political opponents using color of law (lawsuits on spurious charges, often called lawfare).

o   Trump didn’t, but Biden regime does. The J6ers number in the hundreds. Charges against Trump number almost into the hundreds. And what if Trump is elected again? They’ll call it targeting political opponents, if he follows through on holding actual treasonous lawbreakers accountable.

·        He might control their money.

o   Trump didn’t—in fact, the economy flourished, in a stunning recovery from Obama’s “managed decline.” That is, until the pandemic temporarily shut down the economy in an election year. Even so, it was recovering—until Biden took office. Biden inflation, particularly on food and necessary expenses, has been astounding. And the Biden regime is trying to move us into centralized digital currency—so they have complete control over your ability to receive and spend money. (See Revelation 13:17.)

·        He might divide people and cause them to hate segments of the society.

o   Trump didn’t, although he did seem to divide people into those who hated him (as well as his supporters) and those who didn’t. They often accused him of racism, but then when you listened to what he had said instead of what his enemies claimed he said, the accusations were unfounded. Biden, as Obama before him, has been intentionally divisive, with a particular hatred for anyone who doesn’t easily submit to his tyranny.

·        He might endanger the country for his own personal gain.

o   Trump didn’t. But Biden has been doing that his entire political career. And there is mounting evidence of his influence peddling—most notably in Ukraine and China, but also other countries. In a country that wasn’t run by an authoritarian dictator, such treason would be prosecuted instead of covered up.

We could continue this list, unfortunately.

A comment online yesterday reminded me of the Russian defector Yuri Bezmenov, and I re-watched his interview from 1984.  Toward the end, he gives four stages of moving a society from free to communist:

·        Demoralization:     about 25 years

o   He means not just discouraging, but removing morals as a guide and stabilizing force. He says this is already done to the US by 1984.

·        Destabilization:      about 2-5 years

o   Defense and Economy already, he says. I’d say we’d only seen whispers of that in 1984. If it’s 2-5 years, we are living those.

·        Crisis:                        only up to 6 weeks.

o   We’ve had a few already. The pandemic was one. The riots of 2020 were another. They tried to say J6 was a crisis (but there were no weapons, no killing except for police killing two unarmed citizens, both women); they claim, however, that it was the worst attack since the Civil War, ignoring Pearl Harbor and 9/11 where sizable numbers of Americans were killed, so that rings hollow. They have opened our border, inviting enemies to enter—to create a crisis? They are fomenting campus protesters right now, but people are losing patience with that. They keep claiming climate change is a crisis, but people are losing patience with that fearmongering as well. I expect them to come up with something else this year, ahead of the election.

·        Normalization:        may last indefinitely.

o   That is their euphemism for reigning in bloody tyranny forever. It’s usually a generation or two before another regime can overthrow them, after people can’t tolerate the misery any longer and would rather die than submit any longer. But it’s very hard not to get just another tyrant as a replacement.

Yuri Bezmenov in 1984 interview, screenshot from here


Bezmenov warns us, “United States is in the state of war—undeclared total war—against the basic principles and foundations of this system.”  We’re at war with the communist system. He says,

You have literally several years to live on. Unless the United States wake up, the time bomb is ticking. With every second the disaster is coming closer and closer. And, unlike myself, you will have nowhere to defect to…. This is it. This is the last country of freedom and possibility.

Remember, this is in 1984 that he’s saying this. He said we were already at the demoralization stage, meaning that truth and morals no longer matter. You can present evidence, and it will not wake people up, because they do not value truth.

The interview host, G. Edward Griffin, asks, “OK, what do we do?”

Bezmenov answers,

There must be a very strong effort to educate people in a spirit of patriotism, number one. And number two, to explain to them the real danger of socialist, communist—whatever—welfare state, Big Brother government. If people will fail to grasp the impending danger of that development, nothing can ever help United States. You may kiss goodbye to your freedom, including freedoms to homosexuals, to a prison inmate—all this freedom will vanish, evaporating in five seconds, including your precious lives.

He adds another piece of advice:

At least part of the United States population is convinced that the danger is real. They have to force their government—and I’m not talking about sending letters, signing petitions, and all this beautiful, noble activity; I’m talking about forcing the United States government to stop aiding communism, because there is no other problem more burning and urgent than to stop the Soviet military industrial complex from destroying whatever is left of the free world. And it is very easy to do: no credits, no technology, no money, no political or diplomatic recognitions, and of course not such idiocy as grain deals to USSR. The Soviet people, 270 millions of Soviets, will be eternally grateful to you, if you stop aiding a bunch of murderers who sit now in Kremlin and who President Andropov respectfully calls government.

Back in the day, President Ronald Reagan seemed to understand the existential threat. His philosophy was, “We win. They lose.” It was a cold war, rather than a kinetic war, but it took its toll. We did win, shortly after Reagan left office. The Soviet Union ceased to exist as such. And that was a reprieve from impending doom.

But that doesn’t mean the enemy is giving up—and I mean the real, entire enemy, not a single nation or leader. The “dragon” of Revelation13 is relentless. And the drive for communism/socialism—a good simile for the beast rising up out of the sea in that same chapter—isn’t done yet. In fact, maybe the apparent defeat of communism (and/or Nazism) in the last century, which has revived again in our current century, is that one of the sea beast’s heads that was wounded as if dead but the deadly wound was healed (verse 3). It works as a metaphor for now at least.

Bezmenov lists just four stages of changing a society from freedom to tyranny/communism. But there’s a list of 45 incremental steps you probably ought to read. These were collected into Cleon Skousen’s The Naked Communist, and were read into the Congressional Record in 1963. Some of them were person or place specific and may not seem currently relevant, but most are what we have witnessed.

45 aims of Communism, image found here

The thing about calling something communist is that it limits the idea to that box. What we’re really talking about is tyranny—what in the Spherical Model we call southern hemisphere, the opposite of freedom. And down there we also get poverty and savagery (the economic and social sphere’s, in addition to the political sphere).

Bezmenov is probably right that we need to force our government to do what it should—which is well beyond relations with Russia. But his list of things to do are not enough for the worldwide corruption and collusion we have now.

The ultimate solution, when things are this dire, is for the Second Coming. (“Hosanna!” means “come and rescue.”) But for us, while we’re waiting, we must fight in the war we are in. As the ancient Captain Moroni wrote on a cloak (Alma 46:12), as a rallying flag in time of war:

In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children.

Those are what we fight for: our beliefs, our freedoms, and our families. As much as possible, we fight by speaking truth and living civilized lives despite the savagery surrounding us. Sometimes here we summarize the Ten Commandments as honoring God, life, family, truth, and property rights. If we, and everyone we can influence, will live such lives, that would win the battle—or at least puts us on the winning side. May the victory come soon!


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