Saturday, May 11, 2024

How’s That New School Board Doing?

This past Monday, May 6, was a monthly school board meeting here in Cy-Fair Independent School District, northwest of Houston. This is the board we worked so hard to flip from all seven moderate-to-liberal board members to six conservative and one liberal; it took two election cycles. At the same time, the previous (liberal) superintendent retired. We were very concerned about the timing—getting the new hire before the new board had a say. But the process allowed for input from the new board, who were all, along with the old board, in favor of our new superintendent.

Business with all the new people has been underway since January, so this is early, but it’s a good time to look at how things are going. There are two areas we’ll look at today: budget and curriculum.


The biggest issue right now is related to funding. You might call it a crisis—which obviously wasn’t created by this new board and superintendent, but it’s incumbent upon them to fix it. School districts are required by law to balance their budgets. The deadline for setting the next year’s budget is June 30, just a month away as far as school board meetings go, so that’s why this is a big, urgent issue.

from the budget presentation at the May 6 CFISD School Board Meeting,
screenshot from here

I’m trying to grasp the full narrative of the budget shortfall, which is significant. There was grant money because of the pandemic that has been available since 2020, and it runs out with this school year—and is not available for the 2024-2025 school year. That’s a sizable drop in funding. Add to that inflation since Biden took office that skews any budget based on historical expenditures. There has also been a drop in students attending since the pandemic shutdown, which affects school funding, which is based on students in seats. And there is some growth to the district as well, which is in population and could be on the verge of adding a new school; I find this confusing based on the previous sentence. But I’m still processing the details.

For the past couple of months there has been a committee looking for possible budget solutions, which included requesting much input from the community. We’ll get to more detail later, but the controversial solutions have been related to staffing decreases, which, at the suggestion of principals mainly, includes no longer having school librarians on some 50 or 92 campuses.

There will be no layoffs. Let me repeat, the staff decreases being suggested are using attrition and reassignments, not layoffs.

Nevertheless, there’s an army of the usual faces (the enemies of our new board) and their new recruits forming new organizations, on top of old ones, insisting we need librarians in schools. These people are not offering budget solutions, only blame and haranguing rhetoric.

This school board meeting lasted over five hours. (I did not go. I spaced out watching the livestream over the two following days.) Because this is near school year end, there were awards and recognitions that took up nearly the first two hours. Then came the brief board comments (3-5 minutes from each of the seven still takes a chunk of time). Then comes Citizen Participation. One innovation of our new board is to put Citizen Participation near the top of the agenda, rather than at the end, which we believed with the previous board was intended to get people to give up and leave before they could speak. So I’m not complaining about the placement of these public comments. Anyway, that is when people are allowed to speak (by signing up online ahead of time) on any subject without regard to what is on the agenda. Because of the high number, each speaker was limited to one minute.

The public can also comment (again, by signing up ahead of time) on topics related to agenda items. Since the big agenda item was the budget, many people (and some of the same people again) spoke during this segment. Most of these—including a fair number of students reading words fed to them or written for them—talked about the need for librarians and libraries. No solutions were offered.

It was 3 ½ hours into the meeting, after over an hour of public comment against firing librarians (none of which will be fired) that we got to a staff presentation on the budget, followed by a clear and coherent explanation of the situation and the proposals, from our new superintendent, Dr. Doug Killian. If only we’d heard from him first, most of the public complaints would have been moot.

An interesting detail he noted was that, by the time he was speaking, most of the audience had left; they spoke but didn’t want to hear anything else. I’ll get to his presentation in a moment.

CFISD School Board Meeting May 6, 2024. Left is toward the beginning of the meeting; 
right is during Dr. Killian's presentation on the budget. Both are screenshots from here.

One more difference I’ve noticed with this new board is that Citizen Participation is allowed to call out board members by name, and other speakers and community members. That was taboo with the last board, and the legal counsel shut them down immediately just for mentioning a name. I asked our board president about it in an email; he didn’t comment on it being different, but he noted that it’s a free speech issue and something we’re just going to have to tolerate. But it’s definitely uncomfortable. And at some point it may be grounds for a slander lawsuit against those speakers. (They’ve spent a couple of meetings claiming that one of the board members has a “boyfriend”/bodyguard who has roughed up these speakers at various other gatherings. Every word is a lie. Most of the other accusations are ad hominem attacks: we’re all Christian nationalists, racists, homophobes, “wack-a-doos.”)

OK, so now to Dr. Killian’s budget explanation, which starts at 3:30:25 on the video.  

To start with, he tells us, “We're $138 million shy of a balanced budget, and we don't have enough fund balance to be able to make it through next year by just simply not doing anything.” This is quite a crisis to face in your first month on the job. Fortunately, school finance is his specialty. Right away a committee was formed, the Budget Reduction Advisory Committee (BRAC), to come up with both cuts and additional revenue sources. And he went over several of these. Among these are staff reductions. So far the plan covers $58.6 million in deficit reduction.

Here are Dr. Killian’s main points concerning staff cuts, to contradict media and social media claims:

·        No staff are being laid off. The lower numbers of employees will come from attrition, and not filling currently open positions, but restructuring employees to fill those positions. Some positions are being eliminated, and the people in those positions will be given other positions with comparable pay. Preference will be given to keep employees at the same location; when that isn’t possible, they will be offered opportunities at other campuses.

·        The board and superintendent did neither come up with the suggestion of eliminating school librarians nor encourage that. The principals and their staffs determined what their campuses could most easily do without—even though we’d all rather not do without; those principals chose to eliminate librarians.

·        No school libraries will be closed. District librarians will handle book checkout and other librarian duties. (It appears to me that those whose positions were not let go by their principals will be handling multiple schools, rather than only one.)

Dr. Killian gave us some really useful information about the Limited Optional Homestead Exemption (LOHE). As I understand it, this is in addition to the state property tax homestead exemption, and relates to property taxation received by the school district. Not all (in fact, probably not most) school districts offer this tax break. This was passed, locally, back in 1983. There were a lot of expenses we didn’t have back then, such as campus police for safety and security—which, since shooting at Santa Fe and Uvaldi schools here in Texas, everyone agrees is essential. There are rules requiring certain staffing for special education, bilingual education, and more coming from the federal government, which they only partially fund. And inflation has affected that greatly. And there is greater need, as we try to make up for learning losses due to the pandemic shutdown.

from the budget presentation at the CFISD School Board Meeting, May 6, 2024,
screenshot from here

Here's part of that discussion:

This local optional homestead exemption is not a penalty in state aid. We have elected as a school district to reduce our local collections by $63 million, and that's coming to roost. And that is really a local issue. Not every district in the state actually funds a local optional homestead exemption, and that comes right off the top of our local taxes.

So, when you go to the commissioner and say, “Fund the local optional homestead exemption,” you're asking them to give us more money than what they give other people. So I'm doing that politely.

If I’m understanding correctly, Dr. Killian has been aware of an obscure law allowing us to ask for a temporary 50% funding of our LOHE. That is underway. And then, he’s working with legislators, along with other districts that offer the LOHE, to get full funding for the LOHE in the upcoming legislative session. But the temporary relief now looks like a strong possibility.

Near the end of the meeting, one of the board members asked whether this LOHE opportunity had been there in past years but not accessed, and the answer was yes. And that is one of many reasons we are pleased to have him as our new superintendent.

There were other deficit-reducing plans on the table as well. One was to limit bussing to danger zones and areas beyond 1 mile or 2 miles, depending on student grade levels, with an anticipated budget reduction of $4.7 million. While some people tried to fearmonger that they were considering eliminating practically all bussing, that was never the case. Here’s the chart they showed:

from the budget presentation at the CFISD School Board Meeting, May 6, 2024,
screenshot from here


Around 10:30 PM, in a meeting that had begun at 6:00 PM, there was an agenda item related to accepting state-approved curriculum. Board member Dr. Natalie Blasingame proposed an amendment that allowed accepting the curriculum with a list of chapters removed. (Most textbooks are electronic now, accessed on Chromebooks; making certain chapters unavailable is easily doable.) There wasn’t a lot of discussion here. No audience members spoke. But board member Julie Hinaman was in a panic to stop this from happening. She insisted that we hadn’t had time to look at the chapters—even though this item had been postponed from the last meeting for further study, and others clearly used that time to study. Hinaman said we ought to defer to our experts, who approved this curriculum, failing to note that local districts can and ought to make local decisions, and this was one of the very reasons the community enthusiastically flipped the school board. She insisted that we might be failing to meet TEKS—the materials tested on the statewide standardized annual tests. It was clarified that we were allowed to use or create other materials to meet any standards that are missed—and in fact we already do that, because no textbook covers all the TEKS.

The materials in question are related to some controversial topics. KHOU did a story on it, listing for us the chapters to be removed (these were on the big screen in the room, but hard to get as a screenshot, so thanks to KHOU for the list): 

Biology course textbook (Texas, Miller & Levine Experience Biology by Savvas Learning Company)

·        Investigation 13: The challenge of diseases (includes discussion about vaccinations)

·        Investigation 16: human impact on the biosphere

Environmental Science: Sustaining Your World, Texas Edition

·        Chapters 5: Species Interactions, Ecological Succession, and Population Control

·        Chapter 7: Saving Species & Ecosystem Services

Earth Systems, Texas Edition

·        Chapters 2: Earth Systems & Cycles

·        Chapter 6: Mineral & Energy Resources

·        Chapter 21: Climate & Climate Change

Principles of Education & Training course – Teaching

·        Chapter 7: School & Society

·        Chapter 12: Teaching Diverse Learners

·        Chapter 15: Technology for Instruction

·        Chapter 18: The Challenges of Teaching

Health Science Theories textbook – DHO Health Science

·        Chapter 8: Human Growth & Development

·        Chapter 10: Cultural Diversity

There’s a hue and cry coming from the opposition that this is a “diverse” district, and the board is required to listen to them as parents, and not just those Christian extremists who give them campaign money. (Ha! If only I’d had money and not just time to donate to them!) But school board elections matter, and even more parents have spoken in a way that counts. If there are topics a “pro-diverse” parent feels their child is missing, they are free to supplement. What these actual extremists don’t get to do is indoctrinate all the kids, regardless of their parents’ will, and then say those parents can just un-indoctrinate their kids after the fact.

Board member Julie Hinaman, the only holdover from the previous board, was outmatched. She has, since the meeting, gone to social media to cry foul. She should have been informed ahead of time, she says. She fails to remember in social media, even though she mentioned it at the meeting, that the issue was postponed since the last meeting so the board could study the curriculum before accepting it, which others clearly did. Now she wants it two ways at once: there isn’t time to see which chapters and what content is being left out, so we should just accept the experts and approve their original recommendation.

She could have asked more specifics about the chapters to be deleted. Board member Justin Ray, in an effort to allay any fears or any sense that things were being hidden, asked Dr. Blasingame for some clarification on materials being left out. Dr. Blasingame mentioned a biology extension chapter related to vaccines was not necessary for TEKS. And then she covered some earth systems that included depopulation, and an agenda out of the UN, and a perspective that humans are bad. Ray agreed that those were controversial topics. Board member Todd LeCompte agreed that he wouldn’t want anything about depopulation to be taught.

In other words, there’s some indoctrination going on, which is exactly what we voted in this board to prevent. And we thank them for this first, important step.

Hinaman didn’t ask for those details. I think she didn’t, because the more open and detailed the board is about the indoctrination, the more parents agree with them—despite what the loud cohort screams. She claims that Dr. Blasingame stated the revisions were a result of a board subcommittee—but review of the video shows no such statement. She only said these materials were brought up as concerning across the state and within the district. Hinaman accused the board of vetting Dr. Blasingame’s proposed amendment, because it was available on the screen; in other words, Dr. Blasingame was prepared enough to hand out copies of her proposal to board members and had sent an electronic copy to the secretary handling the large screen, as would be expected for an amendment of this type in a typical public meeting. Somehow, to Hinaman, that is backroom dealing. Hinaman, in her online screed, says,

“Last year, it was library books. Last month, it was librarians. This week, it was Science. What next? Social studies? History? Ethics?”

screenshot from Julie Hinaman's social media,
I accessed it here, in a private group that may not be accessible

How terrible of us to not willingly submit to the indoctrination! Who do we think we are?

Note that Hinaman has an influential position on TASB (Texas Association of School Boards). People from around the state are calling for legislation to disallow association with TASB, because of the woke indoctrination problem. Association can be curtailed at the school district level; I hope Cy-Fair ISD makes that happen.

You can assume that the loud cohort will scream again, at the next board meeting, and the one after that…. Tolerating their tantrums is going to be one of the costs of standing up to them in order to stop allowing them to indoctrinate our kids.

So, they will go on saying anyone in favor of school choice is trying to defund public schools and destroy them. And they will go on saying anyone who wants porn removed from school libraries is a pearl-clutching book banner. And they will go on lying about school librarians being fired, and will claim removing indoctrination from textbooks is censorship—or whatever the next thing is that comes up.

It will be loud and uncomfortable, and often ugly. But I’m proud to say I helped get this board elected, and I’m very pleased to see how very capable our new superintendent is. As a report card at the end of their very first semester, I’d say they’re getting very good marks. (Except for that one; maybe we'll get her voted out in the next election.)

Saturday, May 4, 2024

We’re Living Under Tyranny. Now What?

I follow Michael Yon on Wednesday he linked to this article—and the associated links, which first brought it to my attention: “DEEP STATE COUP: Intel Agencies Spied On, Withheld Information From President Trump, CIA Official Admits” by Jamie White, for Infowars.

In it there is a link to this James O’Keefe tweet on X, which includes a 27-minute video. This is undercover video of a CIA contractor (he shows his badge, so he’s not just making up a story to impress a girl—although he does seem to be trying to impress the girl; note, there seem to be two time periods or places; in one he wears a button shirt and jacket; in the other he wears a casual zipped jacket). He admits that the CIA, NSA, et al., surveilled Trump—before and during his presidency, which we have known for a while now, but also that they are still spying on him, and his family members and associates. That’s pretty egregious, but not particularly surprising, since we already knew they had done that, and the new regime isn’t likely to be too ethical for such stunts.

Amjad Fseisi, screenshot from OMG Media undercover video

What is new in what the guy, Amjad Fseisi, reveals is that they withheld intelligence from Trump both when he was president-elect and as president. Amjad claims the reason is that they feared Trump would leak the information—to Putin, because of course they knew he was both stupid and a puppet of Putin.

Except, of course, we know he was not in cahoots with Putin, or Russia in general. That was a hoax, the lie for which was bought and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC. And that fact was known (and likely approved of) by Obama, and known by Biden.

Amjad claims this withholding of information from the president was carried out during Trump’s presidency by CIA head Mike Pompeo and former CIA director Gina Haspel.

The CIA could not have been under any illusions that the trumped-up (sorry, accidental pun) charge of Russian collusion was true—because they could see the sources for it. That means that any pretense of withholding the intelligence from the duly elected president was not done to protect the country from a treasonous president; it was done because those attempting to thwart the duly elected president were willing to commit treason to do so.

Let me repeat that: purposely withholding intelligence from the sitting president is treason. It is staging a coup—usurping authority, insurrecting you might say. Yet another example of: If they’re accusing you of it, it’s because they’re doing it.

I’ve heard rumors off and on that Mike Pompeo might be on the Dark Side. (It’s “May the 4th Be with You Day, incidentally, which you’ll know if you’ve scrolled through Facebook today.) I’m disappointed to have corroboration added to that rumor.

I can’t say we know all the facts. This guy, Amjad Fseisi, is either lying about Russian collusion—after the evidence has come out about the whole hoax—or he doesn’t know. If he doesn’t know, is that willful blindness or stupidity? He’s trying to impress a girl. I’m sure he doesn’t want to admit that he, by association, was in on breaking the law by withholding intelligence from the president; he would need to play the hero and say they were protecting the country from this traitor who somehow got elected president, and maybe he hoped the girl didn’t listen to the news and know better.

Amjad Fseisi lets the girl examine his green badge,
screenshot from OMG Media undercover video

Maybe a CIA operative ought not to be giving away secrets—such as his connection to US intelligence, flashing badge to prove it—to a girl he wasn’t married to and had permission to share that information with. I’ve told this story about my dad (a brief paragraph in this post): 

My dad was in the OSS in WWII; he didn’t drink either. And in the testing phase, weeding people out, they had to maintain a character during a cocktail party. He passed the test, because his mind remained clear, and he was able to stay in character. Of those weeded out, it was because the alcohol lowered their inhibitions, and they gave themselves away.

Maybe someone stupid enough to do that after a couple of cocktails is a whole lot more dangerous to US intelligence than any duly elected president.

Except, maybe for the one we have. Although duly elected is probably not a modifier we can use for the current White House resident.

Some years ago I wrote a piece called “You Might Be Living Under Tyranny If…” in two parts: here and here.  This was March 15 and 17 of 2013, just into the second Obama term. There has been a great deal more tyranny happening since then. In fact, by comparison to the current regime, the Obama tyranny seemed almost like the good old days, where we had hope of voting another way and getting out from under the tyranny before it was too late.

The narrative against Trump has been, he’s going to be an authoritarian dictator. So, in their panicked fear (the minions and blind followers), they will do anything—including supporting an authoritarian dictator—to prevent Trump’s authoritarianism from coming to pass.

What are some of the concerns of living under a tyrannical dictator?

·        He might silence free speech.

o   Trump didn’t, but Biden regime does.

·        He might target his political opponents using color of law (lawsuits on spurious charges, often called lawfare).

o   Trump didn’t, but Biden regime does. The J6ers number in the hundreds. Charges against Trump number almost into the hundreds. And what if Trump is elected again? They’ll call it targeting political opponents, if he follows through on holding actual treasonous lawbreakers accountable.

·        He might control their money.

o   Trump didn’t—in fact, the economy flourished, in a stunning recovery from Obama’s “managed decline.” That is, until the pandemic temporarily shut down the economy in an election year. Even so, it was recovering—until Biden took office. Biden inflation, particularly on food and necessary expenses, has been astounding. And the Biden regime is trying to move us into centralized digital currency—so they have complete control over your ability to receive and spend money. (See Revelation 13:17.)

·        He might divide people and cause them to hate segments of the society.

o   Trump didn’t, although he did seem to divide people into those who hated him (as well as his supporters) and those who didn’t. They often accused him of racism, but then when you listened to what he had said instead of what his enemies claimed he said, the accusations were unfounded. Biden, as Obama before him, has been intentionally divisive, with a particular hatred for anyone who doesn’t easily submit to his tyranny.

·        He might endanger the country for his own personal gain.

o   Trump didn’t. But Biden has been doing that his entire political career. And there is mounting evidence of his influence peddling—most notably in Ukraine and China, but also other countries. In a country that wasn’t run by an authoritarian dictator, such treason would be prosecuted instead of covered up.

We could continue this list, unfortunately.

A comment online yesterday reminded me of the Russian defector Yuri Bezmenov, and I re-watched his interview from 1984.  Toward the end, he gives four stages of moving a society from free to communist:

·        Demoralization:     about 25 years

o   He means not just discouraging, but removing morals as a guide and stabilizing force. He says this is already done to the US by 1984.

·        Destabilization:      about 2-5 years

o   Defense and Economy already, he says. I’d say we’d only seen whispers of that in 1984. If it’s 2-5 years, we are living those.

·        Crisis:                        only up to 6 weeks.

o   We’ve had a few already. The pandemic was one. The riots of 2020 were another. They tried to say J6 was a crisis (but there were no weapons, no killing except for police killing two unarmed citizens, both women); they claim, however, that it was the worst attack since the Civil War, ignoring Pearl Harbor and 9/11 where sizable numbers of Americans were killed, so that rings hollow. They have opened our border, inviting enemies to enter—to create a crisis? They are fomenting campus protesters right now, but people are losing patience with that. They keep claiming climate change is a crisis, but people are losing patience with that fearmongering as well. I expect them to come up with something else this year, ahead of the election.

·        Normalization:        may last indefinitely.

o   That is their euphemism for reigning in bloody tyranny forever. It’s usually a generation or two before another regime can overthrow them, after people can’t tolerate the misery any longer and would rather die than submit any longer. But it’s very hard not to get just another tyrant as a replacement.

Yuri Bezmenov in 1984 interview, screenshot from here


Bezmenov warns us, “United States is in the state of war—undeclared total war—against the basic principles and foundations of this system.”  We’re at war with the communist system. He says,

You have literally several years to live on. Unless the United States wake up, the time bomb is ticking. With every second the disaster is coming closer and closer. And, unlike myself, you will have nowhere to defect to…. This is it. This is the last country of freedom and possibility.

Remember, this is in 1984 that he’s saying this. He said we were already at the demoralization stage, meaning that truth and morals no longer matter. You can present evidence, and it will not wake people up, because they do not value truth.

The interview host, G. Edward Griffin, asks, “OK, what do we do?”

Bezmenov answers,

There must be a very strong effort to educate people in a spirit of patriotism, number one. And number two, to explain to them the real danger of socialist, communist—whatever—welfare state, Big Brother government. If people will fail to grasp the impending danger of that development, nothing can ever help United States. You may kiss goodbye to your freedom, including freedoms to homosexuals, to a prison inmate—all this freedom will vanish, evaporating in five seconds, including your precious lives.

He adds another piece of advice:

At least part of the United States population is convinced that the danger is real. They have to force their government—and I’m not talking about sending letters, signing petitions, and all this beautiful, noble activity; I’m talking about forcing the United States government to stop aiding communism, because there is no other problem more burning and urgent than to stop the Soviet military industrial complex from destroying whatever is left of the free world. And it is very easy to do: no credits, no technology, no money, no political or diplomatic recognitions, and of course not such idiocy as grain deals to USSR. The Soviet people, 270 millions of Soviets, will be eternally grateful to you, if you stop aiding a bunch of murderers who sit now in Kremlin and who President Andropov respectfully calls government.

Back in the day, President Ronald Reagan seemed to understand the existential threat. His philosophy was, “We win. They lose.” It was a cold war, rather than a kinetic war, but it took its toll. We did win, shortly after Reagan left office. The Soviet Union ceased to exist as such. And that was a reprieve from impending doom.

But that doesn’t mean the enemy is giving up—and I mean the real, entire enemy, not a single nation or leader. The “dragon” of Revelation13 is relentless. And the drive for communism/socialism—a good simile for the beast rising up out of the sea in that same chapter—isn’t done yet. In fact, maybe the apparent defeat of communism (and/or Nazism) in the last century, which has revived again in our current century, is that one of the sea beast’s heads that was wounded as if dead but the deadly wound was healed (verse 3). It works as a metaphor for now at least.

Bezmenov lists just four stages of changing a society from freedom to tyranny/communism. But there’s a list of 45 incremental steps you probably ought to read. These were collected into Cleon Skousen’s The Naked Communist, and were read into the Congressional Record in 1963. Some of them were person or place specific and may not seem currently relevant, but most are what we have witnessed.

45 aims of Communism, image found here

The thing about calling something communist is that it limits the idea to that box. What we’re really talking about is tyranny—what in the Spherical Model we call southern hemisphere, the opposite of freedom. And down there we also get poverty and savagery (the economic and social sphere’s, in addition to the political sphere).

Bezmenov is probably right that we need to force our government to do what it should—which is well beyond relations with Russia. But his list of things to do are not enough for the worldwide corruption and collusion we have now.

The ultimate solution, when things are this dire, is for the Second Coming. (“Hosanna!” means “come and rescue.”) But for us, while we’re waiting, we must fight in the war we are in. As the ancient Captain Moroni wrote on a cloak (Alma 46:12), as a rallying flag in time of war:

In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children.

Those are what we fight for: our beliefs, our freedoms, and our families. As much as possible, we fight by speaking truth and living civilized lives despite the savagery surrounding us. Sometimes here we summarize the Ten Commandments as honoring God, life, family, truth, and property rights. If we, and everyone we can influence, will live such lives, that would win the battle—or at least puts us on the winning side. May the victory come soon!


Thursday, April 25, 2024

At War with the Beast

There is supposedly an old Chinese curse that has apparently been invoked upon us: “May you live in interesting times.” Interesting. Yes, that would cover it.

Image from here

Recently I listened to Tucker Carlson’s interview with Naomi Wolf. She is a longtime leftist, feminist journalist, who has been what they call “red pilled” since the COVID-19 pandemic. I did not follow her before very recently. But a closer look shows that at least some of what she has always done was actual truth seeking. Even on that “other” side philosophically and politically, she was covering things such as women’s health—actual women’s health, the effect of modern medicine on women’s fertility, and such things, which I would find as common ground.

It must have been that earnest truth seeking that put her on common ground with many of us of this other political and philosophical persuasion, which happened because she was ostracized by “her people” when she looked at data and asked questions. Overnight she went from elite in-crowd status to pariah. Which led, fortunately, eventually, to her finding a whole lot of people she had formerly thought of as intellectual enemies with whom she could have deep and rich conversations.

Image from Amazon
In that interview with Tucker Carlson, she mentioned her recent book, Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age. I got around to reading that this week—still reading, not completely through it yet. The book is mainly about the cultural death spiral that has been happening since—and because of—the pandemic response.

There’s a particular chapter I want to cover today. In it she refers to her 2022 book, The Bodies of Others, which covers a fair amount of detailed research into the pandemic response and Big Pharma. And in looking that up, I find that she’s coming out with a new book this summer, The Pfizer Papers. In this one she and Amy Kelly bring forth the evidence found by volunteer researchers, calling themselves The WarRoom, several thousand medical experts, researchers, and statisticians who went through the FOIA-acquired Pfizer documents, identifying what was known—and hidden—by that pharmaceutical company.

She has offered, therefore, more extensive sources. But this particular chapter of Facing the Beast says some things we ought to grapple with. This is Chapter 11, titled “Facing the Beast,” for which the book is named. She begins with a story of a bear that nearly got the best of her—had her in a panic for a while—at her rural New York home. They had seen that bear as a cub and had not been concerned. They had spotted it off and on as it grew and had not seen the need to run it off. Now it was a young nearly adult bear, lean and hungry, and emboldened because it had been coming close enough and not stopped by the human inhabitants heretofore. So that is a metaphor.

The same week of the bear incident was when she finalized reporting about the Pfizer vaccines, showing, she says, “what I knew for months I would eventually find.”

I’m starting a number of longish quotes now from the chapter (and the footnotes are from her book as well):

The heart of the manufacture and distribution of millions of doses of the mRNA vaccines that have caused such a swath of death and destruction throughout North America and Western Europe is enmeshed with the plans, methods, and manufacturing infrastructure of our existential adversary.

The enemy is within our very bodies.

Since I first started reading the reports produced by the 3,250 medical and scientific experts of the WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Volunteers team, based on the 450,000 Pfizer documents released under court order, I knew I was seeing not just medicine gone wrong, not just a greedy pharmaceutical company and a regulatory agency that was fully corrupted, but rather, or additionally, I was seeing a massive act of war.”

It's hard to know how much of this to quote in detail, but here is probably more reading than you want; still, it is only part of one chapter. This first segment itemizes some of the health outcomes—of the “vaccines,” separated from health outcomes caused by the virus itself:

When I saw the eighteen months’ worth of sudden deaths, slow deaths, encephalopathy, strokes, heart attacks, pericarditis, myocarditis, Guillain-BarrĂ©, Bell’s palsy, multiple sclerosis, blood clots, lung clots, leg clots, blue-green breast milk, spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, neonatal seizures, neonatal multiorgan system failure, liver damage, kidney damage, suppressed lactation, suppressed sperm count, disrupted menses, all detailed in the Pfizer documents; when I saw the fact that 34,000 plus of the 42,000 plus “adverse events” case reports—meaning “patients”—itemized in the first three months of the rollout of the Pfizer injections were in the US—with the next largest group being in Western Europe—and that the fifty-six countries around the world that also had Pfizer injections rolled out amounted to only a bit over 7,000 case reports total—I knew I was seeing not just medicine gone wrong on a massive scale, but rather that I was seeing an act of war.

When I saw the doubling of neonatal deaths in country after country, the rise of 34 percent above normal in stillbirths and spontaneous abortions for vaccinated versus unvaccinated mothers; when I saw that 3,816 vaccinated women in the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database lot their babies—57 percent of all the neonatal deaths in all the time that VAERS records had been kept[i]; when I saw that of 32 pregnancies followed in the Pfizer documents, 28 of the unborn babies died[ii]; when I saw the rise of 40 percent in maternal death rates[iii] and the shocking rise in cases of disability in the West[iv]--I knew I was not seeing just medicine gone wrong on a massive scale, but that I was witnessing an act of war.

When I saw that you could boost the lethality or the damage caused by the injection by simply changing how dilute the solution is, or simply by reassigning which brand you use—with Moderna (100 mcg) far more damaging than Pfizer (30 mcg)—I knew that I was seeing not just medicine gone wrong on massive scale, but an act of war.

When I saw a study out of Hong Kong in 2021—a study that, of course, was answerable to the CCP—that revealed that a second dose (a “booster”) into the bloodstreams of mice resulted in visibly enlarged hearts with white patches that could be seen by the naked eye, as well as cytokine storms and liver damage, I realized that the two-dose regime and then the “boosters” were slow but progressive ways to damage and then destroy the health of Western patients. The study concluded: “Post-vaccination myopericarditis is reported after immunization with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines.”[v]

And yet with this CCP-overseen finding, that by injecting mammals with the mRNA vaccine, their hearts were visibly damaged, the worldwide injection program kept going—I knew that I was seeing not just medicine gone wrong on massive scale, but an act of war.

You will have noticed by now the repetition of realizing this is an act of war. Wars tend to be geopolitical. This one included:

We were told that Pfizer/BioNTech is a German collaboration. But it is actually a German-Chinese company. Since I first found that Pfizer/BioNTech had an MOU (memorandum of understanding) with Fosun Pharmaceuticals, a major CCP-linked pharmaceutical company based in Shanghai, to make the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccines,[vi] I knew that with a bit more digging I would find China at the heart of these acts of war.

As Wolf found, Fosun is not separate from the CCP; it is the CCP; Fosun acquired almost half of Sinopharm.[vii] Sinopharm is owned by the Chinese state and reports directly to the CCP. All BioNTech/Fosun joint ventures’ activity is in China or thereabouts or in regions closely aligned with China. But they are not limited there; Fosun Pharmaceuticals USA is located in Boston and Princeton, and sends out products throughout the US and around the world. This includes PCR tests.

Wolf comments:

This is crucial. Fosun Pharmaceuticals does not just partner with Pfizer/BioNTech to make the COVID-19 vaccines; they make, as noted, the PCR tests that are the one primary metric that determines the scale of the pandemic in North America and Western Europe and thus the lockdowns of whole countries, whole industrial sectors.

A CCP-run company, and CCP-created product, thus, decides—who can go to work or school, who must close his or her shop, who can or cannot travel—in Europe and the US. A CCP-run company decides the formulation of the PCR and antigen tests that have gone deep into the nasopharyngeal cavities of Westerners who were forced, week after week, to test and test and test with these products.

This CCP-owned hybrid entity is creating the diagnostic instruments that determine the scale of pandemics in the West. The CCP can thus dial it up or down.

It also makes millions of the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA injections, the Merck COVID-19 pill Molnupiravir, the Pfizer COVID-19 pill Paxlovid—for which Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla signed a contract with the US government to provide 10 million doses for $5.29 billion in 2022—all this for the US and for ten other countries including those in the EU.[viii]

These are all formulated and distributed by a company leading directly to the Chinese Communist Party.

Now the tie-in to the treason of our erstwhile president:

When President Biden does a deal with Pfizer/BioNTech in the millions of dollars, with our tax money, he is giving a substantial portion of the funds to China. When he spends tax dollars via omnibus bills for PPE, including millions for PCR and antigen tests, he is writing checks to—China….

BioNTech’s SEC filing reports as, 100 percent achieved, a tech transfer to—China. Not to a “Chinese company” or a “Chinese individual” but to the country of—China.[ix]

She doesn’t condemn Biden enough, in my opinion; although I’d say he and his family crime enterprise are bit players in this worldwide criminal enterprise. But there is enough evidence to hold them accountable for their role—if we had a justice system inclined to do so.

Wolf spends some time detailing drops in birth rates around the world—in the wake of the vaccine (again, separated from damage caused by the virus itself. Birth rates in the West have declined 13 to 20 percent.

·        Germany’s live births dropped 9.5% for one month.

·        Sweden’s live births dropped 13% for the month of October 2022.

·        UK’s live births dropped 15.3% (through June 2022, at which point they quit counting).

·        California’s live births dropped 5% over the year of 2022.[x]

She had earlier pointed out the cruelty of forcing healthy young people to get vaccinated, people in the military and in healthcare, and students in college who were very unlikely to be at risk from the virus. Now there is this loss of reproduction. She says,

How better to cripple the world’s other superpower than by destroying our American front lines and our American next generation, with tainted, murderous vaccines, flowed easily enough into the West via (not even that many) shell companies and cutouts? How easy to do the same to Western Europe, to Canada and Australia, as a whole?

Take all of the above and consider that the virus originated in China; and now all of the testing apparatuses, as well as millions of the vaccines, the catastrophically damaging or lethal “solutions” to the virus, also all originate from the same folks—the same leadership cadre that brought the world forced abortions, citizens welded into their homes, Uighur concentration camps, and organ harvesting.

I made the case in my book The Bodies of Others that a transnational group of bad actors—including the WEF, the WHO, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, tech companies, and the CCP—used the pandemic to crush humanity and to destroy the West.

With the provenance of the vaccines and tests, you can see yet another mechanism, yet another core methodology of this warfare.

Mapping these points of evidence, I think you may start to see what I see.

You decide.

Meanwhile, we need to turn and face the ravening beast.

The beast isn’t just China, then. It is also the Biden family, and Fauci, and the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Organization, Bill Gates, tech and pharmaceutical companies. AND ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHO WENT ALONG WITH THEM.

There’s a chapter where Wolf talks about a visit to Yale, her alma mater. They sold, for money, bodies that weren’t theirs. Wolf calls them out for human trafficking. There were young, healthy people there, being forced to take something into their body that could do them permanent harm. It occurred to her that, in trafficking cases, you follow the money.

It turns out, Yale took in more money from HHS than from tuition. Billions over several years. In 2022 Yale received $607 million from HHS, versus $475 from tuition. “So Yale is trafficking the bodies of its students to please HHS and to keep that spigot open.[xi]” And Yale also took from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and others. Oh, and there was the building of a $35 million facility—from Pfizer, for Pfizer’s benefit, to do drug trials. Hmm.

She ends that chapter with this summary of that formerly honorable institution of learning:

Yale was a raddled old madam, after all.

Addicted to the money.

And buying and selling, with an icy heart, the bodies of her young.

I’m somewhat puzzled still to be among those that saw through the lies almost from the very beginning. Many good, well-meaning people did not. Some still do not.

I have had bad reactions to vaccines in the past, and a number of other chemicals and substances that are harmless to most people. So I knew I would never take a vaccine, and I was highly motivated to look for other ways to avoid the illness. I also wasn’t coerced because of work, which I do from home. So I don’t blame everyone who gave in. But, as Wolf laments in her book, it was traumatizing to be put through the ostracizing and shaming of people who failed to see what we saw. It was also traumatizing for people who woke up later—maybe after damage was done to them or their loved ones. But there are others, calmly returning to life as before, who still don’t know what we know.

We still do not know the long-term effects on everyone who took the injections. While percentages of adverse reactions are high, that doesn’t mean everyone gets them. Most do not, at least so far. I hope their bodies continue to function well despite the injection of this poison. But I really hope they wake up and don’t risk yet another booster.

As an aside, for members of my faith, there was a recent scolding of us who have resisted the coercion for more than two years so far, which made its way around social media (discussions here, here, and here); this came from people (in another state) who were clearly wrong according to facts, and also wrong on the doctrine. That happens with humans, unfortunately. There’s a good discussion that I’m in agreement with from Christian Fire Poppy, here. In short, we're never asked to follow blindly; we are each entitled to confirmation, direction, and inspiration for ourselves from the Holy Spirit. OK, back to our post.

three responses of church members, screenshot from here

In a later chapter, Wolf refers to Jonathan Cahn’s Return of the Gods as an explanation of the evil we are facing. Wolf has become more religious (she is Jewish, married to an Irish Catholic) as a result of facing the beast.

I have been religious all along. I also find Cahn’s explanation useful. This much evil is hard to explain in mere mortal terms.

I’ve talked about “the beasts” of Revelation before. The sea beast of Revelation 13 is a worldwide cabal, a combination of nations and other entities of power— “a transnational group of bad actors,” as Wolf said earlier. In my faith we have additional terms: the whore of all the earth, secret combinations, Gadianton robbers, the great and abominable church. All these, I believe, are the “sea beast” of Revelation 13. This beast is upheld and given voice by a second beast, the land beast, or false speaker. I call this one the “propaganda beast.” It is the PR assistant of the sea beast. Both together are controlled by a third beast, the dragon, a designation for Satan himself.

La BĂȘte de la Mer, a medieval tapestry depicting John the Revelator
seeing the dragon and the sea beast from Rev. 13

If you need to think of these things as metaphors, symbolically, you do that. They are presented symbolically. But symbols are intended to help us quickly understand complex things with many layers of meaning.

So, the beast we are facing is purely evil. There is no better description for an “entity,” or combination of evil players, who would purposely murder hundreds of millions of people, injure the health of possibly billions more people, and decline and put at risk any upcoming generation. Those who would do that are doing more evil than was done in Nazi Germany, or in the USSR, or Communist China over time. In just a year or two, there are more deaths and more lives injured—and not because they didn’t know better. They knew. They hid the information. They coerced. They prevented use of easily available and inexpensive solutions.

This “entity” hates humanity.

The pandemic and the vaccines and their associated damage are only one aspect of the damage done by the Revelation beasts. The loss of our God-given freedoms, here and around the world, are part of it. The forced taxation to promote and continue wars and killings are part of it. The hatred of all that is good. The lies. The deceptions.

While we’re better off facing this beast—always by standing firm on the truth—than we would be giving in, we are going to need divine intervention to win this war. The good news is: God wins.


[i] Art Moore, “CDC Database Shows Death Risk for Babies of Vaccinated Mothers,” Clark County Today, June 11, 2022.

[iii] Maternal mortality rates almost doubled from prior years’ rates, in 2021: Laura Santhanam, “US Maternal Mortality Spiked During the Worst Days of COVID, NewData Shows,”, March 16, 2023.

[iv] Rajesh Taylor, “Further Disturbing Rates of Disability and Mortality in Life Insurance Data Since Dovid Vaccine Rollout,Rajesh Taylor Journal, February 5, 2022, updated September 14, 2022.

[v] Can Li et al., “Intravenous Injection of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (V=COVID-19) mRNA Vaccine Can Induce Acute Myopericarditis in Mouse Model,” Clinical Infectious Diseases 74., no. 11 (June 2022): 1933-50.

[vi] BioNTech’s SEC filing shows that the memorandum of understanding with Fosun Pharmaceuticals includes an equity investment by Fosun in BioNTech. In other words, the CCP is an equity investor in BioNTech: “As part of the strategic alliance with Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd (“Fosun Pharma”; Stock Symbol: 600196.SH, 02196.HK) whereby the two companies will work together on the development of BNT162 in China, Fosun agreed to make an equity investment which was received in mid-April 2020 The issuance of 1,580,777 ordinary shares with the nominal amount of k€ 1,581 was registered within the commercial register (Handelsregister) as of April 23, 2020.” Not only that but: “Ai-Min Hui, President of Global R&D, and Chief Medical Officer of Fosun Pharma said: “We are closely working with BioNTech and regulatory authorities to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the vaccine candidate, in order to synchronize the development process in China with other countries, and to bring the vaccine to public as soon as possible, if the vaccine succeeds.” BioNTech and Fosun Pharma, “BioNTech and Fosun Pharma Announce Start of Conical Trial of mRNA-based COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate in China” (press release), United States Securities and Exchange Commission, August 5, 2020.

[vii] In 2003 Fosun Pharmaceutical acquired 49% stake of Sinopharm Group… In 2008, a year before the initial public offering of Sinopharm Group Fosun Pharmaceutical owned the direct parent company of Sinopharm Group, Sinopharm Industrial Investment instead; the majority owner of the joint venture was state-owned China National Pharmaceutical Group (Sinopharm).” [2003 Annual Report] (PDS). Fosun Industrial, April 24, 2004; retrieved 5 August 5, 2018, via Shanghai Stock Exchange website August 4, 2014; retrieved August 5, 2018, via Sina; 2009 [2009 Annual Report]. Fosun Pharmaceutical, March 25, 2010; retrieved August 5, 2018, via Shanghai Stok Exchange website. “Connection Transaction” (press release). Shanghai: Fosun International, June 29, 2008.

[ix] BioNTech, “Performance Targets 2021 Financial Year,” BioNTech United States Securities and Exchange Commission Form 6-K, April 2022.

[x] Igor Chudov, “Dramatic Decline in Births in Germany,” Igor’s Newsletter, June 25, 2022.

[xi] Harvey Oxenhorn, “Body and Soul at Yale,” Malwords Weekly, December 11, 2022.