Monday, August 30, 2021

For Hate of Country

Imagine a fictional scenario:

Caesar's murder enactment
image found here

A person gets into the potentate position in a fictional country that he loathes. He has loathed this country all his life, all while working his way up the power hierarchy, with the sole intention of bringing this country down. So now, with that power in his hands, he has to do all the damage he can before enough people catch on and call him out, leading to his removal—by exile or execution, whichever. That is how these stories go, historically.

There has been some planning along the way up. He has maneuvered to weaken the country’s international power at every opportunity. Remarkably, the country-hating power monger has been able to propagandize his weakening maneuvers as “I have the most experience in international relations.”

Not alone in his hatred of his home country, there’s a wealth of propagandists willing to aid and abet. These people misinform the public about daily events and their meaning. And more of these people misinform students, so they grow up naturally hating their country, feeling ashamed of it.

On the first day in power, this fictional person sets out to open the border, weakening the nation’s sovereignty. He frames it—with help from the propagandists—as compassion.

a similar real-life scenario in Roma, TX
image from Reuters/Go Nakamura, found here

And he hikes up spending—on what, it doesn’t matter. Just spending, spending, spending—money created out of thin air, never expected to be repaid. It would have to be dealt with by some future generation anyway, so not a concern. The purpose is to collapse the money system, to make it so people aren’t willing to trade with this money that isn’t based on work, but is based on an imaginary promissory note. Devaluing the money will significantly weaken the country in international trade.

Meanwhile, he wants to reduce the natural freedoms the people in the nation have heretofore enjoyed. He must stop them from being able to speak freely, or worship freely, or meet together freely. He might have to have an excuse, something he can fearmonger—like maybe a virus. That’s a good one. It will keep them locked up at home, losing jobs, losing income, becoming ever more dependent on government to take care of them. That means he must squelch any possibility of treatments, because that would interfere with the overall plan. So he censors—and uses propaganda to call the censoring “protecting the public from misinformation.” The “misinformation” scam works well on any topic he chooses, actually.

a similar real-life scenario, SARS-COV-2
image from Wikipedia
This medical crisis is a really useful tool. What if they came up with some kind of injection—not something that actually gets rid of the virus, because that isn’t what he wants, but something that would never pass muster in a less fearful environment? Something that maybe helps a little bit, but not enough, so the fearmongering can continue endlessly? (And danger from the injection—yet another thing to censor. That’s a bonus.) But, what about lives lost from his efforts to prevent treatment? No problem. Higher death count means more fear to monger.

Now, he’s got to reduce the power of actual nation-sustaining forces: military and police. Start with the military. He must label and divide. He implements screening to weed out the patriotic and loyal. He praises and trains toward useless things like racial diversity, sexual deviance, and an alternative history that the country has been morally wrong from its inception—while allowing the propagandists to call this “strengthening our military.” And anyone who disagrees with this new dogma is labeled a dissident and loses their rank and standing. He promotes power seekers while demoting or eliminating strategists, clear thinkers, and especially lovers of country.

Then he puts the military in an untenable position. He takes a place where they have been maintaining peace, with a minimal force and no recent loss of life, against a backwater medieval rabble of terrorist guerrilla fighters. A place where women are now free to work, and are kept safe from marauding males, and children are allowed to be educated as others in the world. OK, he gets that pinpointed. So, next step is to propagandize this as an “endless war” with no purpose. And he announces a date to leave, encouraging the rabble forces to gather and threaten, in reaction to which he shrugs and claims he is “keeping his word,” disregarding the enemy’s failure to keep theirs.

similar real-life scenario
image found here
Then he closes down the military base in the middle of the night, without announcement, and without even removing military equipment. This is an excellent way to arm the enemy. When things go catastrophically wrong, he claims it’s all because of the arrangements made by his predecessor, which tied his hands. And he claims he was misinformed by intelligence and military—all of which had warned and forewarned but were ignored, of course.

Having things go wrong is part of the plan. It causes people to get all upset and insist he send in forces to rescue the people, both military and civilians—plus that place’s people who had helped us against the rabble enemy. So much chaos. So much emotion. All useful, whatever the outcome.

Then he suddenly turns and says the guerilla terrorists are our allies—despite the fact that they’ve been killing and beating this nation's countrymen and preventing their evacuation.  Also, behind the scenes, he prevents evacuation by private individuals—by simply telling other countries not to take them in, even to land their planes temporarily (similar nonfiction scenarios here  and here).  Yes, all this is ideal—for weakening the country he hates.

What a delight that, just days before the final deadline for removing citizens, a terrorist bomb kills soldiers and civilians around the airport they’re using!  More emotion is a great tool. And fewer people—did he mention that lowering the population is a personal preference? So, no problem.

similar real-life scenario in Minneapolis
image found here
About the police—he has spent some time lying in wait for an episode that can be exploited. It didn’t have to be actual evidence of police wrongdoing; something that looks bad would do. Once he finds such an incident, he claims that it is a systemic problem; it can’t be solved by a little training or discipline. The whole system must be shut down. He foments anger and protests, claiming it’s righteous indignation when riots erupt and people and property are damaged. All for the ultimate goal of weakening the country.

Weakening all existing institutions is part of the plan. For example, in order to get into the potentate position, he violated the election process so badly that both sides—his supporters and his opponents—lost faith in elections. When his supporters were saying (intending to support him) that all was well, he convinced them that all efforts to shore up election security were meant to limit his supporters’ right to vote.

He corrupts the judicial system. This has been underway for many decades in preparation. He makes it so “the law” becomes simply the political outcome he wants. He manages to release true, dangerous offenders, saying this is necessary because of overincarceration or perhaps racial unfairness, whatever he wants to call it. He incarcerates non-offenders who are political opponents, such as anyone who participates in a patriotic rally, and keeps them imprisoned as terrorists or insurrectionists, without bothering to charge them. Both sides lose faith in the law and in the process, which is the goal there.

Media is so corrupt, he hardly has to do a thing. He puts out the word on a particular topic, and they propagate it. He’ll simply silence any alternative source. Starting with his predecessor.

Family is a challenging institution to destroy, but that work has been going on for decades as well, and progressing nicely. He removes parental authority, empowering “child protective services,” schools, and some corrupt judges to destroy the very concept of marriage as bigoted, and parental authority as a “danger to the child.” The propagandists’ willingness to help in this effort is something he would praise, if he wanted the plan to be known.

Yes, within months of becoming the potentate, he has caused his country to lose the trust of its allies, lose its status on the world stage, suffer military humiliations, and cause ever-increasing division at home. Complete collapse is foreseeable, if not inevitable. Oppressive efforts of surveillance, control, and censorship must continue, but he’s feeling satisfied.


You thought I must be referring to Joe Biden? No, I’m not. Joe Biden is, as a mother of a soldier slain last week put it, a “feckless,dementia-ridden piece of crap.” No, I’m not referring to the guy who can barely read a few sentences on a teleprompter before saying, “I’m not supposed to take questions.”

Joe Biden checks his watch during ceremony to
receive bodies of fallen troops
screenshot from Fox News video, found here

I’m referring to whoever it is—someone behind the scenes—who tells the president of the United States when he can take questions, which reporters he should allow to ask questions, and what his answers should be. I’m referring to the puppetmaster who is actually making the decisions that are doing so much damage.

I’m sure there’s speculation on who this is—Obama, the Clintons, some multi-billionaire, Emperor Palpatine. I don’t know who it is. Biden is clearly one of the most evil, corrupt individuals to ever occupy the office. And he will deserve whatever judgment God gives him for the evil he has wrought. But right now, he’s just a tool, being wielded by someone we absolutely did not elect. And I’d sure like to have the curtain pulled back to reveal who that is.

Whoever this essence of evil is, this power monger hates America, and more—hates freedom, hates prosperity, hates civilization. Whoever it is, they are the enemy.

Until the revelation and extirpation of this power monger, I will keep resisting, working to do good in my small circle, to reinforce our beloved Constitution—to work toward freedom, prosperity, and civilization. Because, if enough of us do that, his eventual demise is inevitable.

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