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Justices Roberts, Kennedy, Ginsburg, Breyer, and Sotomayor at oral arguments April 28, 2015 photo from here |
We may not know right away. But possibly the most important case before the Court this year is Obergefell v. Hodges, on the definition of marriage. So we're giving it a careful look.
In two parts we covered Question 1, with Part I looking at
the point that for millennia marriage has been fundamentally the joining of a man and woman,
including in cultures where there was no animus toward homosexuals, so there
are other rational purposes for man-woman marriage.
Part II covered several other points, and the defense. One
of the main questions was, what is the justification for changing the
definition to include same-sex couples but to then deny other variations? And a
big takeaway of the day was that religious people could lose significant
freedom to believe in the sacred nature of real marriage, and business people
could be coerced to provide services against their beliefs.
In Part III we’re moving on to Question 2. Just as a
reminder, here are the two questions, sometimes referred to as the marriage
question and the recognition question:
Question 1: Does the Fourteenth Amendment require a state to
license a marriage between two people of the same sex?
Question 2: Does the Fourteenth Amendment require a state to
recognize a marriage between two people of the same sex that was legally
licensed and performed in another state?
So, Question 2 is asked to consider what happens if
Question 1 is answered no; states are not required by the 14th
Amendment to change the definition of marriage to include people of the same
sex. In other words, if the states win on question 1, and keep their original
definitions, then what? That assumption that the defense has won on Question 1 is important, and the plaintiffs’
counsel had difficulty grasping it.
The first few minutes reveal the basic problem. The
plaintiffs’ counsel for this question is Douglas Hallward-Driemeier. (I'll mostly refer to him as counsel, because of the length of that name.)
MR HALLWARD-DRIEMEIER: A State should not be allowed to
effectively dissolve that marriage without a sufficiently important justification
to do so….
JUSTICE ALITO: I was somewhat surprised by the arguments you
made in your brief because they are largely a repetition of the arguments that
we just heard with respect to Question 1. I thought the point of Question 2 was
whether there would be an obligation to recognize a same-sex marriage entered
into in another State where that is lawful even if the State itself,
constitutionally, does not recognize same-sex marriage. I thought that's the
question in Question 2.
That’s the first reminder of the assumption with this
question. Notice that counsel makes the extraordinary claim that non-recognition equals
dissolution of a relationship.
MR. HALLWARD-DRIEMEIER: …This Court's decisions establish
that there is not only a right to be married, but a right to remain married;
that there is a protected liberty interest in the status of one's marriage once
it has been established under law.
The justices pretty much ignore that claim and continue
dealing with recognition. Justice Scalia compares the question to how polygamy
from foreign countries is treated:
JUSTICE SCALIA: Suppose, well, let's say someone gets married
in a country that permits polygamy. Does a State have to acknowledge that
The answer is no. It brings out a good point: we don’t have
the institution.
MR. HALLWARD-DRIEMEIER: Well, of course, the State could
assert justifications for not doing so, and I think there would be
justifications…for not recognizing such….I think that the justification would
be that the State doesn't have such an institution….
JUSTICE SCALIA: Well, it would be the same argument. We don't
have such an institution. Our marriage in this State, which we constitutionally
can have because the second question assumes that the first question comes out
the way the United States does not want it to come out; the State says we only
have the institution of heterosexual marriage. We don't have the institution of
same-sex marriage.
There’s no refutation. And this is the second reminder that
Question 2 assumes Question 1 was settled in favor of the States.
Counsel tries to explain that the difference is a mere
change in gender pronouns for same-sex “marriage,” but more involved for
polygamy. So Justice Alito offers another possible difference in marriage laws
from state-to-state:
JUSTICE ALITO: What if it's not a plural relationship? What
if one State says that individuals can marry at the age of puberty? So a
12-year-old female can marry. Would a State would another State be obligated to
recognize that marriage?
MR. HALLWARD-DRIEMEIER: I think probably not.
Counsel tries to make the point
that, when the state has an interest, it can decline to accept other states’
marriages, but he’s assuming everyone agrees that no such interest precludes
same-sex “marriage.”
Justice Sotomayor asks about consanguinity. Most states
recognize married cousins, but at least one state does not. And, while that has
been historically rare, it doesn’t seem at all against the Constitution for a
state to make that choice.
Then counsel gets another reminder (#3).
JUSTICE KENNEDY: But Justice Alito's question points out, the
assumption of his hypothetical is, and of the way these cases are presented, is
that the State does have a sufficient interest so that you need not allow the
marriages in that State. So there is a sufficient interest, under our
arguendo assumption here, to say that this is not a fundamental right. But then
suddenly, if you're out of State it's different. Why should the State have to
The answer? A state has to have a good enough reason. Counsel
mischaracterizes Kentucky’s reason as wanting a higher birthrate, adding,
“which I daresay is not a rational justification, much less a sufficiently
important one.”
Justice Scalia clarifies Kentucky’s statement, which counsel
says is nevertheless reasoning rejected in the Loving case. Which brings
another reminder (#4):
JUSTICE SCALIA: But we will not have rejected it if we come
out the way this question presented assumes we have come out. …Mainly, saying
that it's okay for a State not to permit same-sex marriage.
Counsel tries again, but he’s equating non-recognition to dissolution
again, which the justices yet again ignore, and that brings another reminder
MR. HALLWARD-DRIEMEIER: The State asserts that it has an
interest in the stability that marriage provides for children. That interest
does not justify extinguishing marriages that already exist.
JUSTICE GINSBURG: May we clear this one thing. If the
Petitioner prevails in the first case, then the argument is moot; right?
In an attempt to show that states traditionally accept one
another’s marriages, counsel lists five instances in the three states involved
in the suit failed to recognize a marriage from out of state that would not
have been lawful in those states—including incest, an archaic refusal to allow
remarriage after divorce. I think his point is that those reasons are not valid
today. He gets another reminder (#6).
CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: Yes. But, again, I think you're
avoiding the presumption on which we're starting, on the assumption, which is
that the State's policy for refusing to support same-sex marriage is sufficiently
strong, that they can, as a matter of public policy, prohibit that in their own
State. And yet you're saying it's somehow so much weaker when you're talking
about marriages from other States.
Counsel tries to say that the failure to recognize illegal
marriages would go against long-standing tradition. But he doesn’t address the
elephant-in-the-room question, so Chief Justice Roberts spells that out:
CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: It certainly undermines the State
interest that we would, assuming arguendo, have recognized in the first case,
to say that they must welcome in their borders people who have been married
elsewhere. It'd simply be a matter of time until they would, in effect, be
recognizing that within the State…. Because we live in a very mobile society,
and people move all the time….In other words… one State would basically set the
policy for the entire nation.
That is the basic reason for asking this question. States
saw it coming. They reasserted their state sovereignty by enacting Defense of
Marriage laws, and then following up even more strongly places the traditional
definition of marriage in their state constitution.
Next comes some discussion, for comparison, of other types
of differences in marriage law. This comes to low age of marriage, and whether
that would be about consent, or other interests, or how they would be handled
case-by-case. And counsel says again that most of the time states accept one
another’s marriages. Which brings out some of the twisted logic involved here:
CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: I think your argument is pretty much
the exact opposite of the argument of the Petitioners in the prior case. The
argument that was presented against them is, you can't do this; we've never
done this before, recognized same-sex marriage. And now you're saying, well,
they can't not recognize same-sex marriages because they've never not
recognized marriages before that were lawfully performed in other States….
Counsel tries claiming that marriage is a fundamental right,
and it has to be accepted. That brings on another reminder (#7):
CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: And maybe…I'm just repeating myself,
but we only get to the second question if you've lost on that point already, if
we've said States do not have to recognize same-sex marriage as a marriage. So
assuming you've lost on that, I don't see how your argument gets--you can't say
that they are not treating the marriage as a marriage when they don't have to
do that in the first place.
It’s all so unfair, counsel bemoans. He tries to say the
cases shouldn’t be decided separately, because you “would forever relegate
those marriages to second class status….” Justice Scalia says, “You’re
rearguing Question 1 now?” which is almost another reminder, but we won’t count
Again, counsel equates non-recognition with dissolution.
Again it doesn’t convince.
He thinks he’ll make progress with an actual example from
among the plaintiffs:
MR. HALLWARD-DRIEMEIER: Mr. Matthew Mansell and Johno Espejo
married in California in 2008. In 2009, they adopted two children. Now, in
reliance on the protection that is afforded by marriage, Mr. Espejo was willing
to give up his job to give the primary caregiver of their children. Mr. Mansell
is the primary breadwinner. His job in an international law firm was
transferred from California to Tennessee, and the cost of that transfer for
that job for them was the destruction of their family relationships, all that
they had relied on in building their lives together.
And in support of that, the States offer exactly nothing. There
is no reason that the State needs to disregard that marriage. No reason the
State needs to destroy the reliance that Mr. Espejo has had in giving up his
career to look after their children.
There are several things wrong here. Most obvious should be
that, if the relationship is permanent, as the couple claims, there is nothing
in Tennessee law that destroys their family relationships. They are not
prevented from living together; Mr. Espejo isn't forced to go to work. State law doesn’t prevent companies from
offering insurance and other common spousal benefits; an international company
probably would not change the insurance after such a transfer. Whatever was arranged
for Social Security is unlikely to change, so that is not an issue. Tennessee
doesn’t declare they are divorced when they enter the state; it declares
nothing, but simply accepts that they are two people living together not recognized as a married couple.
So, what exactly destroys the family arrangement of Mr.
Espejo staying home? I think the answer is, they would “feel” less connected if
the state of Tennessee doesn’t recognize them. And, more importantly, Tennessee
wouldn’t treat them as a married couple when they (inevitably?) divorce.
Division of property would be dealt with in civil court, rather than family
Justice Scalia responds to the case with another reminder
JUSTICE SCALIA: It would have been the
argument made with respect to the first question.
So, in summary of
the plaintiffs' (pro-same-sex “marriage” side), same-sex couples deserve to be
married, even if states aren’t required to allow that (which can’t be an
argument on this question), and states shouldn’t be allowed to terminate
marriages without good reason (even though non-recognition is not the same as
dissolving). It was pretty weak.
Now we get to defense. And here
the constitutional question of the “full faith and credit” clause comes up. Justice
Scalia brings it up, to get down to business. So, here is Article IV, Section
Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the
public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State.
The defense counsel for Question 2 is Joseph F. Whalen, who
is, I believe, Assistant Solicitor General of the State of Tennessee. As with
Question 1, defense counselor is well-prepared.
MR. WHALEN: Your Honor, this Court's cases have made clear
that the Court draws a distinction between judgments between States and the
laws of each State. And the reason in part that the Court's decisions have said
that is that otherwise, each State would be able to essentially legislate for
every other State.
So, then, the discussion must clarify definitions of public
acts, records, and judicial proceedings, as opposed to laws and other things. For career justices, you think that would be almost automatic.
There’s an amusing discussion about what would happen if a
state chose never to acknowledge marriages from other states. They clarify
that, if the two states have the same laws, they will recognize, but if they do
not agree, a state doesn’t have to recognize. Mr. Whalen references Nevada v.
Hall as clarifying the issue. And he explains the underlying principle:
MR. WHALEN: I think the underlying focus is not just that
there's a policy, but that there's a legitimate policy. And as this Court's questions
earlier indicated, I proceed now on the assumption that the Court has decided
the first question in the State's favor, and is determined that, indeed, the
State's policy to maintain a traditional man-woman definition of marriage is,
indeed, legitimate, and we obviously agree that it is, and the Court should so decide.
In other words, he doesn’t need a reminder about how
Question 1 is assumed to be decided, when they come to this question.
JUSTICE GINSBURG: You're making a distinction between
judgments--full faith and credit applies to judgments. You can't reject a
judgment from a sister State because you find it offensive to your policy, but…
full faith and credit has never been interpreted to apply to choice of law.
MR. WHALEN: Yes, Your Honor….And so, in in essence, by
deciding whether or not to recognize another State's marriage, the State is deciding
whether or not to recognize the other State's law under which that marriage was
That is, in essence, what this question covers. And, the way
Mr. Whalen puts it is very convincing; the law uses specific definitions of
terms. There is history and precedent in how those terms are used. It’s a
relatively simple question.
But Justice Ginsburg doesn’t like the simplicity. She tries
to clarify a difference between licensing a marriage and recognizing a
MR. WHALEN: It goes, Your Honor, to the essence of what I
think, in fact, both questions before the Court today get at. And that is that
the fundamental notion of what marriage is.
He reminds the Court that the way states have historically recognized
marriages from other states cannot be applied here, because the fundamental
understanding of what marriage is was essentially the same before, but now
marriage laws are not the same.
Mr. Whalen also successfully explains why marriage is more
law than judgment:
MR. WHALEN: I think that the performing of a marriage is
closer to law is because, in essence, when the marriage is performed, all the
rights that flow from that State's laws evolve to that couple. And it's different
than judgments and so does not deserve the same kind of treatment that
judgments would, under the full faith and credit jurisprudence, because of the
reason that this Court has drawn that distinction.
He refers, particularly for Justice Sotomayor (and kudos to him for doing so respectfully) to do some reading up on
terminology, to Joseph Story's Commentaries
on the Conflict of Laws.
There is a discussion of whether there is some middle
ground; could a state not license a same-sex “marriage” but still not be so
strongly against it that it can recognize such a thing from another state? A
state could, of course, but the point is, it shouldn’t be forced to. Otherwise,
people just go out of state to get “married,” and then come back to their
state; the state wouldn’t have an enforceable policy.
Mr. Whalen makes a good point about who is doing what:
MR. WHALEN: The difference here, I think, is the landscape
that we find ourselves in. Tennessee, Ohio, Kentucky, and other States with a
traditional definition of marriage have done nothing here but stand pat. They
have maintained the status quo. And yet other States have made the decision,
and it certainly is their right and prerogative to do so, to expand the
definition, to redefine the definition. And then to suggest that other States
that have done nothing but stand pat now must recognize those marriages imposes
a substantial burden on the State's ability to self-govern…. It would allow one
State initially literally one State, and now, a minority of States, to legislate
fundamental State concern about marriage for every other State quite literally.
That's an enormous imposition and an intrusion upon the State's ability to
decide for itself important public policy questions, and to maintain,
particularly when you're talking about recognition.
He gives an example of the type of
public policy that would be affected. Parenting, in Tennessee has always been
gender based, because of man-woman marriage. A child can’t have two fathers or
two mothers, for example. Removing gender terms would affect many aspects of
public policy. Why should a state be forced to make such a drastic change, just because some other state chooses to?
If you have read this far,
congratulations. This three-part series has probably been longer than
anything written on the oral arguments other than the transcript. I’ve gone through this exercise to
thoroughly understand, myself. And also to have a good record of what went on,
and what it meant.
I don’t know how the Court will
rule by the end of June. If they go by the Constitution, the law, the will of the people, and
common sense, they will sustain the right of states to define marriage as it
always has—a bonding of a man and a woman. But if they listen to the gay mafia,
the media pressure, and the whining about “fairness”—that all have no place in
ruling on what the law is—then we could lose some significant freedoms. Eventually
that could include the ability to write a blog like this without it erroneously
being deemed hate speech.
I’m praying particularly for
Justice Kennedy. The family, which is the basic unit of civilization, is
balanced on the knife edge of his personal understanding of the law. We’re in a
precarious place indeed.
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