Wednesday, August 17, 2011

R & R (Refreshing and Refilling)

I am taking a break before finishing the series on Israel. I expect Part V to be on the refugee problem and 1967 war, and Part VI to be on the current situation. But until I get them written I'm not certain.

I am on vacation, with very limited internet access. The posts earlier this week had been set up ahead of time or caught up this hour in the week that I had open near a library. So posting again is uncertain until I'm home in about a week.

I am at a conference, while also getting my daughter, Social Sphere, ready for her coming school year, and visiting my mom (where the computer and online world have not reached). The conference happens to be at my alma mater, where Spherical Model is studying, within an hour's drive of my mom's home. It is a very full week of classes on religion, family, and many other principles related to civilization. So I am taking enough notes to cause carpal tunnel and hoping to come away refreshed and refilled.

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